zaproszenie na konferencję

Dear Sirs,
We are pleased to invite you to a conference promoting SMART ŻYWIEC - (r)evolution project, implemented as part of the "Local Development" Program from the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 funds and the state budget. The conference will be accompanied by workshops about the role of residents in building smart cities.
Tuesday 14.02.2023, 
Conference at 1:00 p.m
Workshop at 10.00 a.m.
Żywiec Municipalty City Hall   
Conference: Żywiec Municipal City Hall  
Workshops: Municipal Environmental Centre.
Please confirm participation in the conference and workshops (optional) till  5-th of February 2023.
Conference | SMART ŻYWIEC (r)evolution
10:00 -13:00 Workshops : “Role of residents in smart cities building” 
Bogna Kietlińska Phd- urban sociologist, Warsaw University, Institute of Applied Social Sciences
12:45 - 13:15 - Registration of conference participants
13:15 - Opening of the conference, welcoming the guests -  moderator Jarosław Krajewski, 
13:25 -  "Local Development" i.e. grant in a small town - for whom and on what terms? - Łukasz Strutyński from Polish Cities Association 
13:40 - SMART ŻYWIEC (r)evolution 
Project genesis, its assumed effects, basic informations about the project - Mayor of Żywiec City Mr Antoni Szlagor 
13:55 - Our goals - our actions. 
Description of activities planned in SMART ŻYWIEC (r)evolution project. 
Dominika Roszkowska - Manager of the National and Foreign Fundraising Office in Żywiec Municipality                                                                        
14:20 - 14:50 - Refreshments
14:50 - Being smart - will Żywiec fit into the smart city concept? - Bogna Kietlińska Phd - urban sociologist, University of Warsaw, Institute of Applied Social Sciences
15:15 - Partners and their role in the SMART ŻYWIEC project - (r)evolution - Andrzej Śliż, Wioletta Śliż from Żywiec Club Boules
15:30 Guest speaks, conference summary
The workshops are directed to local government officials and local leaders. During the workshop, you will learn simplest  and low-cost methods of diagnosing local problems and ways of involving residents in changes making actions.


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